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Fisher, Sabriya. To appear. Mass Migration and Linguistic Change: The Proliferation of Ain’t for
Didn’t in Post-Migration Philadelphia. In Joey Stanley, Monica Nesbitt, and Margaret 
Renwick, editors, Movement, Economy, Orientation: 20th Century Shifts in North American Language. Publication of the American Dialect Society. Duke University Press.


Fisher, Sabriya. To appear. ‘[T]he heart of the city, where the accent’s the strongest’: Localizing Perceptions of the ‘Strong Boston Accent’ in a Changing City. The Journal of Linguistic Geography.


Fisher, Sabriya. 2024. Verbal Morphology and Tense-Aspect Meaning. American Speech


Holliday, Nicole and Fisher, Sabriya. 2023Building Equity in Theoretical Linguistics and the Classroom. In Alice Corr and Anna Pineda, editors, Theoretical Linguistics in the Pre-University Classroom.


Fisher, Sabriya. 2022The Status of ain't in African American English. Language Variation and Change 34(1):1-28.​


Fisher, Sabriya. 2018. Change over Time in the Grammar of African American English. In Jordan Kodner and Lacey Wade, editors, Selected Papers from NWAV 46, University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 24.2.
Fisher, Sabriya. 2018. Variation and Change in Past Tense Negation in AAE.
PhD Dissertation. University of Pennsylvania.

Labov, William, Henderson, Anita, Fisher, Sabriya, Gylfadóttir, Guðrún, Prichard, Hilary and Sneller, Betsy. 2016. Competing Systems in Philadelphia Phonology. Language Variation and Change 28.3: 273-305.
Fisher, Sabriya. 2015. Is French Guianese Creole sa a Pronoun or a Copula? In Katia Golovko and Maria Mazzoli, editors, Lingue e Linguaggio: Special Issue on Copulas, 271-286.
Labov, William and Fisher, Sabriya. 2015. African American Phonology in a Philadelphia Community. In Sonja Lanehart, editor, The Oxford Handbook of African American Language, 256-279. Oxford University Press.

Fisher, Sabriya, Prichard, Hilary, and Sneller, Betsy. 2015. The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree: Incremental Change in Philadelphia Families . In Fisher, Sabriya, editor, Selected Papers from NWAV 43, University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 21.2.

Sneller, Betsy and Fisher, Sabriya. 2015. When Get Got Noticed: the Emerging Salience of Get-passives . In David Wilson, editor, Proceedings of the Penn Linguistics Conference 38, University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 21.1.

Fisher, Sabriya. 2011. La Prédication Nominale et la Copule du Créole Guyanais.
Master's Thesis. Université Lyon 2.



Fisher, Sabriya. 2024. Regional and Ethnic Differences in Morphosyntactic Variation among Black Adolescents. New Ways of Analyzing Variation 52, Miami, November 2024.


Holliday, Nicole, and Fisher, Sabriya. 2023. ‘Don’t Take that Tone with Me’: Linguistic
Variation and Disciplinary Action on African American Children in Schools
. LSA Institute conference on Understanding Variation in African American English: Corpus and Prosodic Fieldwork Perspectives, Amherst, MA, July 2023.


Fisher, Sabriya. 2023. "[T]he heart of the city, where the accent's the strongest": Localizing Perceptions of the "Strong Boston Accent" in a Changing City. Poster presented at the American Dialect Society's Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, CO., Jan. 2023.


Fisher, Sabriya. 2022. Innovation in the Grammar of African American English. Invited Talk at the Linguistics Department Universals Workshop, Harvard University, Nov. 2022.


Fisher, Sabriya. 2022. Innovation and Social Stratification in AAE Negation. Invited Talk at the Department of Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences Speaker Series on the Linguistic Expression of Racial and Ethnic Identity, Brown University, April 2022.


Fisher, Sabriya. 2022. Innovation in the Grammar of African American English. Invited talk at the Department of Linguistics and Computational Linguistics Colloquium Series, Brandeis University, April 2022.


Fisher, Sabriya. 2020. Variation and Change in the Grammar of African American English. Invited Talk at the Institute of People and Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology's Workshop on Language, Technology & Society, October 2020.


Fisher, Sabriya. 2019. Parallel Development?: Two Cases of Perfect-to-Past Reanalysis in African American English. Paper presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation 48, U. Oregon, October 2019.


Fisher, Sabriya. 2019. More than One Way to be Black in Philly: Ethnic Identity and Philadelphia’s Short-a Systems. Paper presented at the Georgetown University Roundtable in Linguistics, Georgetown, March 2019.


Sneller, Betsy and Fisher, Sabriya. 2015. Syntax, Stigmatization, and the Sociolinguistic Monitor. Poster presented at UK Language Variation and Change 10, York, September 2015.


Labov, William, Fisher, Sabriya, Henderson, Anita, Prichard, Hilary, and Sneller, Betsy. 2015. Systematic Partition of the Speech Community: Short-a in Philadelphia. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Portland, January 2015.

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